
Taking A Week Off

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to take a couple of minutes to let everyone know that I have decided to take a break for a week from my blog. I need some mental time to process a lot of things that have happened recently and I have made the decision to take a break from my blog this week.

My dad has been sick which has made him be in and out of the hospital for a couple of months now. He is doing a lot better and getting on the mend, but I have really had the time to process everything, and decided I needed to take that time to process. I also decided to change my career and have been working on obtaining my teaching certificate as well. I believe that this week off for me to rest and process everything will be good for me and my blog. I feel like my writing the past few weeks has declined and I found that I was just writing blog posts to finish them.

I didn’t want that for my blog or all of my readers and followers. So, I decided that the best thing for me to do right now for me and my blog was to take a week off. I don’t believe it will take longer than a week, but if it does I will definitely make sure to let everyone know. I love blogging, and I love working hard on this blog, which is why I don’t want to give it up. I have a feeling if I kept going the way I was than I would lose my love and passion for my blog and I didn’t want that to happen.

If you feel like you need to take a mental break, please do because you have to make sure your keeping yourself healthy and safe too.

Talk to everyone next week!

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