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Before Midnight Review

Hey Readers!

I am back, and definitely feel like that week off helped me a lot. My dad is doing better, we are just working on getting his strength back. I decided that this week my reviews were going to be based off fairytale retellings, which you all know I absolutely love! To start of the fairytale week, I am going to be reviewing Before Midnight by Cameron Dokey, which is a retelling of Cinderella.

The book description was taken from the Goodreads website:

“Etienne de Brabant is brokenhearted. His wife has died in childbirth, leaving him alone with an infant daughter he cannot bear to name. But before he abandons her for king and court, he brings a second child to be raised alongside her, a boy whose identity he does not reveal.
The girl, La Cendrillon, and the boy, Raoul, pass sixteen years in the servants’ care until one day a very fine lady arrives with her two daughters. The lady has married La Cendrillon’s father, and her arrival changes their lives.

When an invitation to a great ball reaches the family, La Cendrillon’s new stepmother will make a decision with far-reaching effects. Her choice will lead La Cendrillon and Raoul toward their destiny — a choice that will challenge their understanding of family, test their loyalty and courage, and, ultimately, teach them who they are.”

This is a different version of Cinderella than what we are used to. You see Cinderella in a different light, and you almost get to see her inner strength. I loved how Cameron took the fairytale we all know and put some surprising twists on it that you won’t see coming. While reading this I got a little hint of the movie Ever After, and I couldn’t put this book down.

The new voice that Cameron puts into this story without losing the essence of the original is amazing. I laughed, cried, and cheered while reading this book. This version of Cinderella will have you think twice about the version you know, and will have you seeing everything in a new beautiful, amazing light!

Go to the ball and find your Prince/Princess before midnight my dears!



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