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Phantom Review

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had an amazing and relaxing weekend. I did Pilates and read some more ARC's that I was provided by NetGallery. Today I bring you a retelling of Phantom of the Opera, that I loved so much! "A dark, modern, romantic retelling of the musical classic, Phantom of the Opera.But this… Continue reading Phantom Review

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House of Salt and Sorrows Review

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you all had a nice relaxing weekend! Today I am going to be reviewing another twisted retelling on a tale we all know and love! House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig, is a dark retelling of The Twelve Dancing Princess's! The book description came from the Goodreads website: "In a manor… Continue reading House of Salt and Sorrows Review

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Hush Review

Happy Wednesday Everyone! We have reached the middle of the week, and are that much closer to Friday! Today I decided to do a review on a romance that I read a while ago, and keep reading because I love it so much! Hush by Micalea Smeltzer, isn't your typical boy meets girl, and they insta fall… Continue reading Hush Review

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The Book Thief Review

Happy Monday Everyone! I just want to say I hope you all have a fabulous week this week! Today I am going to be reviewing a book, that enthralled me, took me to another time, and made me cry. The Book Thief by Mark Zusak, is a story about a young girl, who is trying to survive… Continue reading The Book Thief Review

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Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies Review

Happy Friday Everyone! We have made it another week, and I honestly can't believe May is already almost over. The book that I decided to finish the week off with is a retelling of my favorite classic Pride and Prejudice. The book is called Pride, Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith and Jane Austen. I will admit when… Continue reading Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies Review

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Insatiable Review

Happy Friday Readers! So I decided to finish up the week with a book that even though I read it years ago, I still turn to it and read it over and over. Insatiable by Meg Cabot, revolves around Vampires, hunters, and one woman who can see a person's future. The description was taken from the Goodreads website: "Sick… Continue reading Insatiable Review