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If You Liked Hunger Games Then You Will Like These Books

Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had an amazing, non-stressful week, and is ready for an amazing weekend! So, I am back with another if you like this book, then you will like these books post. This time it is Hunger Games, and what books to read if you loved that series. Let's get this… Continue reading If You Liked Hunger Games Then You Will Like These Books

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A List Of Cinderella Retellings

Hey Everyone! I haven't done a list of fairytale retellings in a while, so today I decided to do a list of Cinderella retellings. I love reading retellings of fairytales, and decided to share my love of retellings. Cinderella is a classic tale of dreams coming true, and realizing that you don't need a fancy… Continue reading A List Of Cinderella Retellings