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Before Midnight Review

Hey Readers! I am back, and definitely feel like that week off helped me a lot. My dad is doing better, we are just working on getting his strength back. I decided that this week my reviews were going to be based off fairytale retellings, which you all know I absolutely love! To start of… Continue reading Before Midnight Review

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House of Salt and Sorrows Review

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you all had a nice relaxing weekend! Today I am going to be reviewing another twisted retelling on a tale we all know and love! House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig, is a dark retelling of The Twelve Dancing Princess's! The book description came from the Goodreads website: "In a manor… Continue reading House of Salt and Sorrows Review

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ARC Review: Slumber

Hey Readers! So I was honored in being chosen to read an ARC of Slumber by Becky Bird, which was provided by the publisher and Net Galley. Slumber is a Sleeping Beauty retelling with a twist. Your favorite characters can be found in the story, but there are new characters introduced that make the story so interesting. The book… Continue reading ARC Review: Slumber