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Phantom Review

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had an amazing and relaxing weekend. I did Pilates and read some more ARC's that I was provided by NetGallery. Today I bring you a retelling of Phantom of the Opera, that I loved so much! "A dark, modern, romantic retelling of the musical classic, Phantom of the Opera.But this… Continue reading Phantom Review

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An Eternity of This Review

Happy Hump Day Everyone! I am so excited to share this amazing book I happened to stumble upon with you! As previously stated in another post, I love Phantom of the Opera and I love retellings of this amazing story. I came across this book, and let me tell you I couldn't put it down! An Eternity… Continue reading An Eternity of This Review

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Books to Read if you want a Phantom of The Opera Retelling

Hey Guys and Gals! I haven't done a list of books to read on a certain subject in a while, so I have decided that today would be the day for such a list! The tale of Phantom of the Opera is something that I have loved ever since I saw the play and the movie. I… Continue reading Books to Read if you want a Phantom of The Opera Retelling


RoseBlood Review

Hello Adventure Seekers! The book I chose to review today is RoseBlood by A.G. Howard. This is a retelling of Phantom of the Opera, but it takes it a little further than the original story. In true A.G. fashion, she takes a tell that is beloved by many, and turns it into a new adventure that… Continue reading RoseBlood Review