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Shades of Rust and Ruin Review

I can't believe that Christmas is almost here, like where did this year go? I know my students are ready for a break, and I have to admit so am I. Today I have a wonderful book for you all! It is by one of my favorite authors, whose books I can't wait to read,… Continue reading Shades of Rust and Ruin Review

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Hallowe’en Party Review

Happy Monday Everyone! Sorry I was kinda MIA last week, but I had a lot going on and couldn't dedicate the time to my blog, but now I am back, and have lots of interesting ideas to put in place. I am excited for what's to come and hope you will be too! Although, Halloween… Continue reading Hallowe’en Party Review

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Happy Halloween!!!!

Welcome Spooks and Ghouls! We have finally reached Halloween, and I just wanted to do a short post today. I love Halloween and although I have to work today, and we can't dress up, it is going to be an amazing day! My favorite holiday has arrived, and you can guarantee I will be watching… Continue reading Happy Halloween!!!!

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My Favorite Movies To Watch Around Halloween

Good Morning Readers! So, I know this isn't a book post, but I wanted to share with you all some of the movies I have to watch before or on Halloween. I am that type of person that has to watch certain movies around the holidays to get into the sprite. I have kinda started… Continue reading My Favorite Movies To Watch Around Halloween

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Creature Of The Night Book Tag

Hey Bookworms! Today I decided to do another Halloween themed book tag, and I scoured the internet until I found the right one to do! I landed on the Creature Of The Night Book Tag and got the idea from Book Loving Nut blog. While reading the questions and the instructions I found that this… Continue reading Creature Of The Night Book Tag

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Spooky Halloween Tag

Hey Everyone! I was going through different Halloween tags, and came across one that looked fun during my search. I found the tag from Life of a Female Bibliophile, and the original post can be found here: While reading the questions and answers I figured that this would be a great Halloween tag. It's… Continue reading Spooky Halloween Tag

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The Bone Houses Review

Hey Readers! I hope everyone had a great weekend. We finally got fall like weather in Texas, so I couldn't be happier! Today I am going to review an amazingly, spooky book that I couldn't put down, and still have a book hangover from. The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones, is an adventure that none you have… Continue reading The Bone Houses Review

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Halloween Creatures Book Tag

Hey Everyone! So we are getting slightly closer to Halloween, my favorite holiday, so I decided to do a Halloween theme book tag. I found this book tag on Melting Pots and Other Calamities website. When I first started seeing the questions for the Halloween Creatures Book Tag, it looked like fun so I decided… Continue reading Halloween Creatures Book Tag

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My Worst Fear

Hey Everyone! With Goodreads celebrating horror this week, and this being the month of spooks, I decided to share my worst fear. Of course there are so many things to be scared of: Death, changing careers, taking chances, and so on. Which those are some of my fears, however in keeping with Halloween I decided… Continue reading My Worst Fear

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A List Of Books To Get You Into The Halloween Spirit

Hey Everyone! So Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I love reading books that put me into a spooky mood. I decided to create a list of books for you in case you would like to get into the Halloween spirit as well. I am one of those readers that love reading holiday themed books.… Continue reading A List Of Books To Get You Into The Halloween Spirit