Blog must have tags

Disney Princess Hair Book Tag

Hey All You Book Worms! I have decided to do a book tag today, and whats better than doing another book tag with a Disney theme to it! I mean come on my blog's name is based off of a Disney song, so I found the Disney Princess Hair Book Tag and couldn't be more… Continue reading Disney Princess Hair Book Tag

Blog must have tags

Creature Of The Night Book Tag

Hey Bookworms! Today I decided to do another Halloween themed book tag, and I scoured the internet until I found the right one to do! I landed on the Creature Of The Night Book Tag and got the idea from Book Loving Nut blog. While reading the questions and the instructions I found that this… Continue reading Creature Of The Night Book Tag


Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul Review

Happy Wednesday! I will be the first person to admit that I am not that big on poetry, however when I was walking down the book aisle in Target one day, I came across this book cover that drew me to it. When I picked up the book and read the description, I knew that this… Continue reading Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul Review