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Great Goddess: Life Lessons From Myths and Monsters Review

Hey Readers! I hope everyone is staying safe and had a good start to this week so far. Today, I decided to review a book of poetry by one of my favorite poets. I have read all the books she has put out there, and loved every single one that she has wrote. Great Goddess: Life… Continue reading Great Goddess: Life Lessons From Myths and Monsters Review

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March Wrap Up

Happy Friday Everyone! So, we have reached the end of March a couple of days ago, which means it is time for another Monthly Wrap Up, where I present you with the books that I read in the month of March! I didn't get to read as many books this month as I would like,… Continue reading March Wrap Up

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Wild Embers: Poems of Rebellion, Fire and Beauty Review

Hello Readers! Today I am going to review another poetry book that I loved, and made me realize that I had a fire in me that I shouldn't let be extinguished. Wild Embers: Poems of Rebellion, Fire and Beauty by Nikita Gill, is a poetry book that is guaranteed to light the fire within you and make… Continue reading Wild Embers: Poems of Rebellion, Fire and Beauty Review

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A List Of Books You Should Read At Least Once

Hey Fellow Bookworms! I have been trying to think about what new posts I could do on my blog that I haven't done before, while thinking I was also doing a quiz and had a good idea. There are several lists out there on the internet that someone came up with that says which books… Continue reading A List Of Books You Should Read At Least Once

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A List of Some of My Favorite Authors

Hello Everyone! I find that I am always asked who my favorite author is by people I know when they are looking for a new book. It's always such a loaded question, because I have several authors that I know whatever they write I will love, and that I always look forward to seeing what… Continue reading A List of Some of My Favorite Authors

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A List of Poetry Books

Hello my fellow readers! Today I decided to do another list of books that make up a certain genre. The genre I decided to do today is Poetry. There are so many wonderful works of poetry out there, and since I am a new reader to poetry, I decided that I wanted to provide a… Continue reading A List of Poetry Books


Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul Review

Happy Wednesday! I will be the first person to admit that I am not that big on poetry, however when I was walking down the book aisle in Target one day, I came across this book cover that drew me to it. When I picked up the book and read the description, I knew that this… Continue reading Fierce Fairytales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul Review