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Great Goddess: Life Lessons From Myths and Monsters Review

Hey Readers! I hope everyone is staying safe and had a good start to this week so far. Today, I decided to review a book of poetry by one of my favorite poets. I have read all the books she has put out there, and loved every single one that she has wrote. Great Goddess: Life… Continue reading Great Goddess: Life Lessons From Myths and Monsters Review

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Book Spine Poetry #2

Hey Everyone! So, we are almost to the end of the week, and I decided to try my hand at the book spine poetry again. My first one can be found here: This is actually a pretty fun and challenging post! Here is my second created poem using book spines! The poem as seen… Continue reading Book Spine Poetry #2

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Break Your Glass Slippers Review

Hey Everyone! I am back, and I must admit that I really missed this blog, but I got everything I needed to in a more manageable state, and I have come back fresh! Today I bring you a book of poetry that moved me emotionally and that I connected with on a personal level. Break Your… Continue reading Break Your Glass Slippers Review

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Author Fun Facts: Sylvia Plath

Happy Monday Everyone! So, I got out for the first time in two weeks, and I must say it was definitely an experience. People were wearing masks, and keeping their distance, which to me was a good thing, because I didn't have 10 different employees ask me if I needed any help. Any whom, I… Continue reading Author Fun Facts: Sylvia Plath

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Book Spine Poetry

Hey Guys! So, this is another post that I found while perusing the web looking for new book blog ideas, and thought that this would be a good post to try. Now it doesn't have to rhyme, you just have to try to create a poem from the books on your shelf using their spines.… Continue reading Book Spine Poetry

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Author Fun Facts: Maya Angelou

Hello Everyone! So, I have decided to do more Author Fun Fact posts, and decided why not bring them back today. To kick off the first author fun fact for the new year, I have decided to chose a wonderful poet by the name of Maya Angelou. I don't know much about Maya, but I… Continue reading Author Fun Facts: Maya Angelou

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To Drink Coffee with a Ghost Review

Hey Everyone! I hope you all had some amazing adventures this past weekend and got lots of rest. Today I am going to review the second book in a poetry series that will leave you with chills. To Drink Coffee with a Ghost by Amanda Lovelace, is a book of poetry that will touch your soul and… Continue reading To Drink Coffee with a Ghost Review

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Wild Embers: Poems of Rebellion, Fire and Beauty Review

Hello Readers! Today I am going to review another poetry book that I loved, and made me realize that I had a fire in me that I shouldn't let be extinguished. Wild Embers: Poems of Rebellion, Fire and Beauty by Nikita Gill, is a poetry book that is guaranteed to light the fire within you and make… Continue reading Wild Embers: Poems of Rebellion, Fire and Beauty Review

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Author Fun Facts: Emily Dickinson

Hey Everyone! Today I decided to do another post with some author fun facts for you all! Today's author of the day will be Emily Dickinson. She wrote some of the most beautiful poems I have read, and I was introduced to this wonderful author when I was in High School I believe. But how… Continue reading Author Fun Facts: Emily Dickinson

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A List of Poetry Books

Hello my fellow readers! Today I decided to do another list of books that make up a certain genre. The genre I decided to do today is Poetry. There are so many wonderful works of poetry out there, and since I am a new reader to poetry, I decided that I wanted to provide a… Continue reading A List of Poetry Books